. Ark Rising | Projects

Operation New Beginnings

Operation New Beginnings is where we partner with major emergency housing providers in the NSW Central West region to provide their clients with much needed rapid response accommodation which will afford them the ability to live with dignity while they rebuild their lives. We provide this accommodation in any location throughout the Central West as requested in a rapid and safe way. This is to provide quick response accommodation as an alternative to the costly option of motel and hotel accommodation. Apart from response time and better quality of life for a family there is also substantial cost savings to the sector which in turn means more services can be provided.

Our 2 fifth wheels (view in our Gallery Page) are now back in the Central West providing accommodation for 2 families for as long as they require it to rebuild their lives.

There is a desparate need for temporary accommodation with long waiting lists of people looking for the opportunity to return to as normal a routine as can be expected given their circumstances with some degree of security, certainty & comfort. We continue to be ready to assist in anyway we can, continuing to hope and pray that the small contribution we make will have the benefits laid out on our Benefits Page.

to can assist to help rebuild lives by making a DONATION NOW.

Operation Hope

The need for emergency accommodation after natural disasters is always ongoing. The Cabbonne Shire in the Central West of NSW was hit by unprecident floods in Novemeber 2022 especially the small village of Eugowra where 80% of the homes and businesses were damaged by an inland tsunami. Sadly 2 lives were lost.

We have provided help to several families with one still occupying a fifth wheel with waiting for their home to be made livable.

LifeFlight chopper crew reflects on busiest day of rescues in it´s history.

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